Walking in Wisdom
Each of us are being shaped and guided by particular beliefs, desires, and allegiances that set our lives on a trajectory. Yet often we get so busy living life that we don't take time to really consider how we are living and what we are pursuing. But God has a specific design for how we have been created to live before Him—walking in wisdom.
Proverbs 9:10 tells us, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight." So this wisdom life that God has called us to must be rooted in the fear of the Lord. Nothing else is a steady foundation, and no other posture is conducive to growing in true wisdom. What does it mean to fear the Lord? It's a matter of the heart—our posture and allegiance—that flows from a right view of God as holy and exalted. Fear of the Lord looks like worship, surrender, obedience, trust and love.
The life of walking in wisdom embraces and is marked by humility. This means we trust that God's ways are best, even when they are hard or don't make sense. Humility is dependent on God, rather than being self-reliant. We look to His character, purposes and design as our source for discerning what is right and best. We also seek to have an accurate awareness of our weaknesses and temptations. As we learn to walk in humility, we receive correction and are willing to confess and repent in submission to our Good King.
Scripture teaches us the life-giving value of wisdom, and insists that it must be intentionally pursued. So what does that pursuit look like?
- Wisdom's reach is extensive, so we should shine the light of Scripture into every area of our life.
- We can invite correction, input, and accountability from other believers.
- Wisdom grows as we take time to process and reflect on our experiences and the responses of our heart. If we stay in survival mode or fill our lives so full that we're never still, there won't be an opportunity for growth.
- We must remember that wisdom is not just about behavior and choices, but heart change and being shaped into the image of God. With this perspective, we can seek out the root and pray for God to change us as we follow Him.
Let us move forward in pursuit of the life God created us for, growing in wisdom as we follow Him in joyful, humble obedience.